Hello friends! Contrary to popular opinion, I have NOT fallen off the face of the earth. Almost but not quite! However, my life (after completely falling apart) is so different now. First of all, after 15 years of marriage (and more years than that together), two children, one dog and a life, my husband and I have gotten a divorce. NOT A BAD THING AT ALL. It is however different and I have had an adjustment period, to say the least. In the 11 years that I have been quilting this is the very first significant break I have taken from it. I had definitely lost my MOJO. But as the phoenix rose from the ashes, I am doing better than I have in a long time. My kids are doing much better since I am happier. And I recently started quilting again! And it feels GOOD!
I started these little trees, 5 of them, before Christmas but I just couldn't get them finished, until this past weekend. They look great and I'll post more pictures when I get the other bindings finished. (Hopefully while I'm watching Dancing With the Stars tonight.)
And, of course, I have pieced the backs! Hey, I may have undergone some major life changes but I'm still me and I LOVE a pieced back!
Happy sewing, my friends!